I am with you Xanthippe/ Pale Emperor, lie to the beasts and survive!
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Would you sacrifice yourself?
by Half banana inunder roman rule, which covered a large part of the civilized world around the mediterranean, to be a trouble maker or a magician or an insurrectionist was a capital offence.. to live back then in a civilised society was a boon.
naturally for the sake of law and order certain compliances had to be met to as part of the social bargain to be a roman citizen.
among them were included the requirement to respect the “genius” or spirit of the emperor, not to be an atheist and to respect the roman gods.
Avoiding Service Tips?
by Kohanic inback again!.
so as i'm still pimo and living under my parent's roof, how can i get out of service?
cause i really don't want to go and i feel dirty just knowing i could be influencing someone into this garbage..
cha ching
Ok, jrjw, I never would have done this while "in".... but when I found out this was a big lie, nothing mattered anymore... about their fake organization.
When I left, I just put hours, magazines, rvs on my time sheet, just so that no one would know what I had not done. Question: Do you have a group of people you go with regularly? Is it easy to find a FS partner? or do you have to call people to get one? if you show up, does the conductor ask everyone what their plans are, or can you just "hang" and leave... saying "I have plans" when asked?
If you get your territory, make sure that you have a weird schedule, like everyone suggested (get a class during FS time on a Saturday) then, say I got a territory so I could go out on my own schedule. If they want to go with you, say "OK, when?" then say ok, leave, then text them saying "that won't work for me, something came up" and keep putting people off. Pretty soon they will get tired of you.
You could drive around, make a list of houses that "weren't home" and have a Not at Home slip ready to show to people, you could give them to people to work if they "want to help" Don't forget to cross some out, like you went back and 'found them home'.
If you DO end up "going", say "I am not prepared today, can you talk?" They won't like that either, and will start avoiding you. Or, if you somehow end up in "your territory" go there, send everyone out, then start feeling sick and go home. Or, if you can get to volunteer to be the "odd man out" and "have to work by yourself" just pretend to knock on the door, or go up to the door and introduce yourself as a student who is getting the reactions of people regarding child sex abuse, and ask them if they ever heard of the Australian Royal Commission and the report it made about all organizations in Australia.
You could do a 'survey' of what people know about JWs. Just to see if this 'preaching work' is really having any fruits. When I talked to some friends at work, they hardly knew ANYTHING about JWs. You could prepare an update for them. "JWs are actually a very high control religion, have you seen Leah Remini's show about Scientology? JWs are a lot like that, they do not believe in.....," etc.
Do your mom & dad want to work with you? follow you? or can you have your own schedule? "Going out early to do gas stations" is a good one if you go alone, you can just drive to Starbucks and have a coffee, or drive to a park, stay in your car and study.
Just do not feel guilty for anything. You have been tricked, now you deserve to escape.
Avoiding Service Tips?
by Kohanic inback again!.
so as i'm still pimo and living under my parent's roof, how can i get out of service?
cause i really don't want to go and i feel dirty just knowing i could be influencing someone into this garbage..
cha ching
I like that one AudeSapere! Meet with non-jw friends... just be prepared, someone MIGHT say, hey, can I go with you?
I would try to meet for service with people who don't really like you, go alone, then don't really 'witness' like jrjw says.
Get your own territory, say you are working it. Just disappear 🤸
COLD today
by wasone init's a cold 13 degrees fahrenheit in tennessee this morning where i live.
glad i'm retired and don't have to work outside today.
what about where you live.
cha ching
It was around 40 to 45 at 6:30 a.m. in Central CA, US., very cold and icy.
Matthew 24:34 NEW UNDERSTANDING (January 2018 JW Broadcasting)
by Alfred indavid splane explains newest understanding" of 'this generation" adding a 3rd group.... .
cha ching
Doesn't this look like one of those "time-share" (haha) rip offs?
Wave your phone lights and dance at the Assemblies!
by days of future passed inmy sister sent me this youtube.
in it are witnesses waving their phone lights and dancing in the aisles.
sorry if this vid has been posted before.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k7iw-zisgw.
cha ching
Hey, Sparky, right before we turned the page and saw your research, my husband was saying 'you could probably find where the Society put down televangelism, but who has time to do the research?'
Thx for the quote!
Talking Janet Jackson and Religious Freedom with the Wife
by OnTheWayOut inmy recent sidewalk discussion with a couple of jw's has gotten me in the mood to say more when appropriate.so the wife and i were riding in the car and cat stevens comes on.
i mentioned to her that cat stevens left music when he was still popular and converted to islam back in the 1970's- how he was told that his music would have to be morally acceptable and he found it easier to just abandon making new music for at least 20 years.
so i didn't really remember all the details and i figured the conversation would die.
cha ching
Yep, she is at least "not being mad all day."
Great job, she won't be able to forget your comparisons.... you got her to agree with two different scenarios, and then came the "absolutely not", haha!
It will be interesting to see what happens next!
The Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Namibia and legal problems
by TerryWalstrom inthe christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses of namibia has asserted its right to be exempt as an "employer" for purposes of payment to those who work on its behalf, nor are they responsible (they claim) for filing any social security documents as to wages, hours worked, withholding, etc.in 2014, the congregation asked to be de-registered as such.____it didn't go so well.____on the 16 june 2014, authorities replied to the jw's request by confirming that the appellant is considered an employer in terms of the ss act and consequently should be registered with the employees’ compensation fund established by the employees’ compensation act, 1941, as well as having the order register its members with the maternity, sick leave and death benefit established by the ss act___a ping-pong protest and response commenced with multiple requests for clarification by the dubs and protestations and requests for appeal, etc.____authorities decided this matter was best handled by visiting the premises and investigating for themselves what goes on.____after the "visit" by authorities, nothing was offered by the dubs to change any minds.___the jw's continued to whine and protest and appeal, etc.____the authorities examined the congregation's appeal and made the following evaluation:== in the respondent’s listed grounds of opposition, it noted that the appeal filed by the appellant is not proper as it failed to complete the form 11 as contemplated in rule 17(2)(a) of the rules of this court==___jw's protested and appealed the appeal response which didn't appeal to them.___arguments continued until the following finding was released:the labour amendment act stipulates that:18 ‘for the purposes of this act or any other employment law, until the contrary is proved, an individual who works for or renders services to any other person, is presumed to be an employee of that other person, regardless of the form of the contract or the designation of the individual, if any one or more of the following factors is present:(list of factors attached)____blah-blah-blah-blahfinally:the ss act does not provide for de-registration of employers.
accordingly, logic follows that once an employer has been registered under this act, the obligations created in terms of this act ceases to exist only where the employer (who is a natural person) dies or becomes insolvent or is sequestrated or is liquidated or wound up (where an employer is a juristic person).
employees may be ‘de-registered’ under that employer in the event they die or their services have been terminated._______cut to the chase:accordingly, the appellant cannot pick and choose which laws should apply to them and which not.
cha ching
This article (shown in this YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdfYxsN958E ) states that there are 2,448 JWs that get a monthly income of N$940 in the 44 branches in Africa.
It would cost you N$1236 NADs (Namibian Dollars) to buy $100 USD. That is 8% of the value. So, if you received N$940 a month, that equals $72 USD, for hardworking Bethelites.
At around three minutes you can read that the WT registered itself as a "company".... not a religion... and that is why, after trying their whole "vow of obedience and poverty" thing, the court says "sorry" but the law says "beep". "They failed to explain why they registered as an employer" "The church cannot get a free card just because it is doing the work of God"'
I like that, "no free card for WT"!
Annoying jws
by Jrjw ina 'concerned' jw in my congregation rang me earlier and said she's noticed my daughter sits miserable at the meetings and said she's a right miserable girl in general.
i said she's happy and hyper when she's not at the meetings they're just really boring and she doesn't want to be there.
apparently i'm a bad parent coz she feels that way.
cha ching
So sorry.... and yes, don't pick up calls from her....
If you DO happen to go to A meeting, and she "happens" to approach you, take a deep breath, look down at your feet, like you are shy and like you have a hard time speaking, (not mad) and say,
"Well, I wasn't going to tell you, but ummmm, one of the biggest reasons I don't make it to so many meetings is, well...... you. I don't like facing you, and the things you say to me are well, actually not very encouraging and I feel so bad afterwards, you know? "
Then just look at her, and walk away.
If she says anything else like "you need it" or "I am your big sister, and I am helping you"..... just reply, "See?" Then shrug your shoulders and walk away.
The 101 ways to use a Troll
by days of future passed inafter being around for a few years reading, then posting - i've realized the usefulness of trolls.
for 1. they expose what type of person they are.. 2. trolls are very good once you roast them.
many are not able to march up to the wt and give them a piece of our mind.
cha ching
Trolls... a chance to vent.... or "enlighten", or 'Run away, run away'